
25th April 2018

Mario Alberto Accardi, CEO, is invited to BioTrinity’s panel on ‘Pros and Cons of IPO’

8th January 2018

Orthonika is invited to attend the JP Morgan Healthcare conference; Mario Alberto Accardi, CEO, and Dominique Kleyn, COO, will be attending the event.

Scientific Publications

Bartolo MK, Accardi MA, Dini D, Amis Aet al., A machine-learning approach for measuring articular cartilage damage in the knee. International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty (ISTA) Meeting 2020, New Early-Career Webinar Series (NEWS) (2021).

Bartolo, MK, Newman, S, Dandridge O et al. Ovine knee kinematics and contact pressures of a novel fibre-matrix reinforced hydrogel total meniscus replacement. World Orthopaedic Research Congress (WORC) of the International Combined Orthopaedic Research Societies (ICORS) (2022).